Friday, June 26, 2020

Medicine is a collaborative effort.

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Medicine is a collaborative effort. No one member of the healthcare team has a role more significant than the other. In my last video, I realize my use of the word assistant to describe one of the roles of a CRNA caused contention. I misspoke. It is obvious to me that the role of a CRNA who practices anesthesia in conjunction with an anesthesiologist is MUCH, MUCH more than that, and I should have done better at expressing that. So for that, I apologize to everyone I’ve offended. When working together, we are colleagues and collaborate, and what I meant to say is we assist one another. Since I don’t work in an environment of solo CRNA practice, I don’t have that experience to speak on .. so I’ll leave that up to you, for your discussion in the comments. In the future, I’ll hopefully feature CRNAs, so they can provide their perspective. Also, so that you have all the information you need to decide on your career in Anesthesia. Thank you so so much to the subscribers! Your support is more than I could ever wish for! I’m truly rooting for your success in medicine!

My name is Dr. Karen Francois and I am a 5th year Attending physician based out of NY. These stories will chronicle my life in Anesthesia, as an Anesthesiologist and home life with my husband and 3 children. Through these glimpses into my life I hope to inspire and motivate young women and men into seriously considering Anesthesia as a career choice.
I am a Doctor and I was born and raised in the projects of the Bronx, NY and I made it to become a highly respected physician If I can do it, then anyone else in my situation can do the same.
Please make sure to follow me on instagram @ 3anesthesiaandme

Also check out these other videos:

Dr Webb Collaboration
A day in the life of an Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologist COVID -19 Update
Day in the life of an Anesthesiologist at home

Study Tips #2

What is Propofol?

A day in the life of an Anesthesiologist Work Life Balance

“A day in the life of an Anesthesiologist”

“How to become an Anesthesiologist”
More videos coming soon including on Finance, Family and future planning.

New videos every week coming soon

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