Friday, June 26, 2020

Medical Improv, A New Way to Improve Communication!

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Medical Improv: A New Way to Improve Communication (With 15 activities you can teach STAT!) Welcome to the emerging field of Medical Improv! Medical Improv is an exciting new teaching tool! Its experiential activities hold great promise for persistent challenges we face in healthcare by promoting the ‘soft’ skills involved in emotional intelligence, communication, collaboration, and leadership. This train-the-trainer resource is designed to help educators teach the “soft” skills that healthcare professionals need to positively impact patient safety, patient experience, workforce health, and the efficient use of resources. Because these skills are not intellectual, they require a non-traditional approach that fosters new behaviors. Medical Improv is a fun and effective strategy. There are 3 parts to the book. Part I, explains what Medical Improv is and why we need it. Part II, focuses on how to facilitate successful Medical Improv sessions. Part III, covers step-by-step instructions for teaching 15 fundamental activities with chapters that focus on skills associated with emotional intelligence and communication, teamwork, and leadership. You do NOT need experience in improv or a background in theater to teach these fundamental activities. This is the first Medical Improv train-the-trainer book for nurses and other healthcare educators. Applied improvisers will find it helpful for teaching classes in the healthcare sector. The author’s combined expertise in nursing, communication, organizational development, and improvisation provide a powerful opportunity for positive change!

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