Sunday, December 17, 2023

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy

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Society, internationally, has actually participated in what may be called the “service economy.” Solutions now make up the biggest share of GDP in many nations and offer the significant source of work in both established and establishing nations.

Solutions penetrate all elements of individuals’ lives and are ending up being inseparable from many elements of financial activity. “Quality management” has actually been a controling supervisory practice given that World War II.

With quality management at first related to production markets, one may presume the importance of quality management may reduce with the development of the service economy. To the contrary, the development of the service economy reinforced the value of quality problems, which no longer are associated just with production markets however are significantly used in all service sectors.

Today, we talk not just about product and services quality however have actually even broadened the structure of quality to lifestyle and quality of environment. Therefore, quality and services have actually emerged in parallel as carefully interrelated fields.

The Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy checks out such appropriate concerns as: What are the qualities, nature, and meanings of quality and services? How do we specify quality of items, quality of services, or lifestyle? How are services identified from items? How do we determine numerous elements of quality and services? How can product or services quality be handled most successfully and effectively? What is the function of clients in production of worths? These concerns and more are checked out within the pages of this two-volume, A-to-Z recommendation work.

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