Friday, December 15, 2023

The King's Touch, Poems

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An extensive encounter with the hyperreality of our time of worldwide turmoil, violence, and pandemic. Tom Sleigh’s poems are hesitant of the inevitability of our fate, however in this fantastic brand-new collection, they are charged with an effective sense of premonition, as if the future is unfolding before us, requiring something higher than the self.

Justice is a dominating force, even while the poems are completely cognizant of the refugee crisis, war, starvation, and the ruthless truth of a congested medical facility morgue. The King’s Touch clashes the world of truth and the world of secret with a resolutely nonreligious register.

The title poem describes the once-held belief that the king, as a magnificent agent, is imbued with the power of recovery touch. Sleigh turns this encounter in between disease and human contact towards his own persistent blood illness and the continuous COVID-19 pandemic and its installing death tolls.

One poem asks, “isn’t it real that no matter for how long you/ use them, masks do not grieve, just deals with do?” In this necessary brand-new work, Sleigh demonstrates how the language of poetry itself can restore and recover a sense of a future under the conditions of violence, social discontent, and international stress and anxiety about the fate of the world.

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