Sunday, May 30, 2021

COVID-Somnia: Sleep in the Time of Corona

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Subject: Called “COVID-somnia,” over half of Americans have actually experienced boosts in sleep disruptions considering that the start of the pandemic. What can we do to get more peaceful sleep?

Visitor: Michael Grandner, PhD, MTR, director of the Sleep and Health Research Study Program at the University of Arizona, and director of the Behavioral Sleep Medication Center at Banner-University Medical Center Tucson.

When: Tuesday, May 25, at 3: 00 p.m. ET.

How to Sign Up With: Click On This Link to be taken straight to the Facebook Live interview, which will stay viewable after the live occasion.

Follow us on Facebook @MedPageToday and sign up with the interview survive on our feed. Do not hesitate to comment, ask concerns, and respond throughout the interview!

Concerns? If you have concerns prior to Tuesday’s live interview, send them by commenting listed below so we can resolve them throughout the occasion. You can likewise ask concerns throughout the interview.

Study Prior To the Occasion:

Sleeping Through a Pandemic

Last Updated May 26, 2021

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