Saturday, February 27, 2021

Johnson & Johnson one-shot Covid vaccine gets nod from FDA advisory panel

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The fight versus Covid-19 took a significant step forward on Friday as the United States moved closer to distributing its very first one-shot Covid-19 vaccine, after an independent professional advisory panel advised drug regulators authorize the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for emergency situation usage.

” We urgently need more vaccines [authorized] to protect the millions of Americans who stay at threat” of Covid-19 infection, said Dr Greg Poland, the editor-in-chief of the medical journal Vaccine and leader of the Vaccine Research Group at the Mayo Clinic.

Johnson & Johnson’s vaccines and the dosages currently set up to be provided by Moderna and Pfizer, the makers of the 2 vaccines currently licensed in the United States, imply there might be sufficient supply to immunize 400 million people by July.

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