Saturday, February 27, 2021

Israel Has High COVID Vaccination Level However Still Has COVID Issues

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Israel Has High COVID Vaccination Level However Still Has COVID Problems

Brian Wang|.
February 25, 2021|

By Feb 7, 2021, Israel had actually administered over 5 million dosages of the Pfizer vaccine which covered 60%of its population. Israel has a population 9.3 million individuals.

The US might get to the current Israel vaccination level around May-June. Israel still had a spike in cases in February. Israel was targeting the vaccination of 90 percent of Israelis over the age of 50 by mid-February. Over 2 weeks ago, 60 percent of Israel’s population has received a minimum of one shot, which gives partial resistance, and a little over half have gotten the 2nd shot for full vaccination.

The United States presently has actually immunized 14%of the population with one shot and 6%have actually had their 2nd shot. The US is vaccinating 1.5 million every day and will reach 3 million daily in April. The United States ought to have 100 million vaccinated with their very first shot by the end of March and perhaps 180 million by the end of April.

Israel saw a drop in COVID deaths in old individuals however the UK variant of virus increased the spread of the disease.

SOURCES- NY Mag, Worldometers

Composed By Brian Wang,

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