White Hall Nursing and Rehabilitation is seeking a CNA CertifiedNursingAssistant 1: 00pm-09: 00pm. This is a Full… commitment as ours, loving excellence in senior care. As a CertifiedNursingAssistant, you are special. Your care of residents… Read More
CertifiedNursingAssistant 11: 00 pm 7: 00 am Does this describe YOU? I’m proud to be a CNA because…. I positively… with you. Manhattan Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, LLC is seeking a CertifiedNursingAssistant to join our dedicated team of CNAs… Read More
A health worker holds the Johnson and Johnson vaccine at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto in February 17, 2021.
Emmanuel Croset | AFP | Getty Images
The Food and Drug Administration has approved Johnson & Johnson‘s Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use, giving the United States a third tool to fight the pandemic as highly contagious variants start to take root across the country.
The FDA’s emergency use authorization Saturday kickstarts the federal government’s plan to distribute nearly 4 million doses of J&J’s vaccine to states, pharmacies and community health centers across the nation next week. Unlike Pfizer‘s and Moderna‘s vaccines, J&J’s one-dose regimen eliminates the need for patients to return for a second dose and it can be stored at refrigerator temperatures for months.
J&J’s vaccine “makes it operationally easier in lots of contexts,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told the Journal of the American Medical Association during a Q&A event on Friday. “I expect lots of considerations state health departments are having around these vaccines is more about the ease of use of the J&J vaccine and how it might be better suited for some populations.”
Initially, doses would be limited, J&J has said. The company expects to deliver 20 million doses by the end of March, J&J’s vice president of U.S. medical affairs, Dr. Richard Nettles, told House lawmakers on Tuesday. J&J has a deal with the U.S. government to supply 100 million doses of its vaccine by the end of June, and U.S. officials say they are working with the company to ramp up supply as quickly as possible.
In recent weeks, U.S. health officials have pushed Americans to get vaccinated as quickly as possible. Officials are growing concerned about new, emerging variants of the virus, particularly the B.1.351 strain, which has been shown to reduce the effectiveness of vaccines both on the market and under development. On Friday, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, warned the declines in Covid-19 cases reported in the U.S. since early January may be flattening as variants spread.
J&J submitted its Covid vaccine data to the FDA on Feb. 4. The vaccine’s level of protection varied by region, J&J said, with the shot demonstrating 66% effectiveness overall, 72% in the United States, 66% in Latin America and 57% in South Africa, where the B.1.351 variant is rapidly spreading. However, FDA documents show the vaccine was 64% effective in South Africa after about a month. The company said the vaccine prevented 100% of hospitalizations and deaths.
Pfizer’s vaccine was found to be 95% effective against preventing Covid-19, while Moderna’s was found to be about 94% effective. Infectious disease experts pointed out that J&J’s numbers can’t be used as a direct comparison to the other two vaccines because it’s a single dose and the company’s trial was conducted when there were more infections as well as new, more contagious variants.
The FDA has indicated it would authorize a Covid-19 vaccine that’s safe and at least 50% effective. The flu vaccine, by comparison, generally reduces people’s risk of getting influenza by 40% to 60% compared with people who aren’t inoculated, according to the CDC.
The FDA authorized J&J’s vaccine for people who are 18 years old and older. It isn’t the same as full approval, which requires more data and can typically take several months longer. J&J, like Pfizer and Moderna, has submitted only two months of safety data, but the agency usually requires six months for full approval. The FDA approved the emergency use of hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19 in March, only to revoke it in June after additional data showed it provided “no evidence of benefit” in coronavirus patients.
The FDA was expected to approve J&J’s vaccine for emergency use.
The agency’s announcement comes after a key panel on Friday unanimously backed the vaccine for emergency use The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee plays a key role in approving flu and other vaccines in the U.S., verifying the shots are safe for public use. While the FDA doesn’t have to follow the advisory committee’s recommendation, it often does.
After the vote, Dr. Archana Chatterjee, an infectious disease expert at Chicago Medical School and a voting member of the committee, said J&J’s vaccine will help “meet the needs of the moment” as states complain there is not enough supply of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines.
“We need to get this vaccine out now,” Dr. Jay Portnoy, a professor UMKC School of Medicine and a voting member of the committee, said after the vote. He added, “we’re in a hurry” as the variants pose a threat to the nation’s progress on the pandemic.
No specific safety concerns from J&J’s vaccine were identified. Headaches, fatigue and muscle pain were some of the most common side effects among people who received the inoculation, according to an FDA report published Wednesday. There were also reports of nausea, fever and pain at the injection site, the report said.
Macaya Douoguih, head of clinical development and medical affairs for J&J’s vaccines division Janssen, told the FDA panel on Friday that two people suffered severe allergic reactions shortly after getting the vaccine. One of the people was participating in an ongoing trial in South Africa and developed anaphylaxis, a severe and life-threatening allergic reaction.
The company has said it plans to ship the vaccine, which contains five doses per vial, at 36 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit. By comparison, Pfizer’s vaccine needs to be stored in ultra-cold freezers that keep it between minus 112 and minus 76 degrees Fahrenheit, though the FDA recently allowed the company to store its vaccine for two weeks at temperatures commonly found in pharmaceutical freezers. Moderna’s vaccine needs to be shipped at 13 below to 5 degrees above zero Fahrenheit.
care under the direction of nursing staff. Certified Nurse Assistants perform duties such as transfer, transport, feed… as a CNA in the State of Virginia LTC/SNF experience preferred Certified Nurse Assistant Essential Functions: Answers… Read More
Strategic Management: Text and Cases, 2nd Edition, by Dess/Lumpkin/Eisner is both readable and rigorous – written for today’s student. A rocket-ship in its first edition, the revision continues to provide solid treatment of traditional topics in strategic management, as well as contemporary topics like entrepreneurship, knowledge management, and internet strategies. The prestigious author team understands the importance of thorough, modern concepts illustrated by rich, relevant and teachable cases. The new case selections emphasize variety, currency, and familiar company names. The cases are up-to-date in terms of both financial data and strategic issues. This group of cases gives both instructors and students unparalleled quality and variety. Based on consistent reviewer feedback, these selections combine comprehensive and shorter length cases about well known companies.
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Our CNA practice tests have the same kind of questions you’ve been taught when you took CNA classes – and the same ones you’ll be answering when you take the real written examination. All test questions are based on current course materials, including the 2018 National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP®), which is the written test that most states use. Some of our questions are even identical to those that you’ll see on the state exam.
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Your test prep books and online resources will be a good guide to knowing what you need to practice in order to help you prepare. 9. Be sure your fingernails are trimmed and free of polish, make these grooming habits a part of your test preparation. 10. This career path is a calling and there are reasons why you are pursuing this path. If you are overwhelmed remind yourself why you answered the call and believe in your abilities.
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Katherine Buaron, Opinion contributor
Published 5: 00 a.m. ET Feb. 28, 2021 | Updated 11: 17 a.m. ET Feb. 28, 2021
Dying COVID-19 patients find comfort from nurses
Des Moines Register
Misinformation runs rampant online, even from my colleagues in the health care industry. We need to do better.
Social media platforms have been instrumental in allowing misinformation and distrust to proliferate, hindering the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic as well as contributing to deeply cut social and political divides, and an insurrection on the Capitol.
As a community nurse in and around Chicago, I have been personally and professionally thrust into the role of social media fact checker for my patients. I live in the intersection between health care, science, and a misinformed public.
I don my often-painful N95 mask, tie my hair back, and evaluate patients every day. I field patient questions about microchipped syringes, and offer overly-simplified explanations about the bureaucratic logistics of scientific research and vaccine development. In moments I attempt to educate patients on cell biology, immunology, and microbiology — subjects I’ve taken years to study.
While cases and hospitalization of COVID-19 patients have dropped significantly around the country, the threat of infection remains an ever-present reality. Public confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine is improving, but not improving fast enough.
A new poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that of those who were surveyed, 44% expressed vaccine hesitancy and among that group, social media was cited as a main source of vaccine information. The poll also found only 31% of respondents said they get “a fair amount of information” from nurses, doctors, and other health care providers. While patient education is a central tenant of a nurse’s job, the rampant spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories have made the task more difficult.
Fueling fear and doubt
Recent news demonstrates nurses and doctors are not immune to misinformation. Last December, an Oregon doctor’s license was suspended for refusing to wear a face mask. Just last month, four nurses in Kansas refused to administer the vaccine, citing misinformation as justification for their refusal. These types of actions from trusted medical professionals have only fueled public fear and doubt.
While misinformation remains pervasive in its most nefarious forms online, more innocuous inaccuracies have flourished, too. My Instagram feed is filled with stories and posts from my health care worker friends and colleagues promoting vaccine acceptance and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. My colleagues, many of whom have pursued rigorous years of study and training to become health care workers, frequently repost attractive, clean-lined, millennial-art styled infographics on health promotion and the dangers of COVID-19.
But in the summer of 2020, while swiping through Instagram, I noticed one infographic posted by a nurse colleague. It featured six stylized images of masked and unmasked faces; each face featured a percentage of COVID-19 transmission risk depending on the mask combination. My immediate impulse was to repost it, but the percentages written on the image didn’t seem accurate, so I decided to dig deeper. It took one quick Google search to realize that these percentages — while well-intended — had not been verified.
Studies around health misinformation have often concluded that fear, anxiety and risk perception sway individuals to make instinctive, autonomic decisions about their health and self-protection. The ease with which healthcare workers can unthinkingly repost and retweet self-affirming health content is enticing, and therefore, extremely dangerous.
For this reason, state medical boards across the nation are taking an active role in impeding misinformation or CDC guideline violations by physicians and other providers with penalty of revoking their license. For instance, at least one hospital forced administrative leave on a nurse who actively flout social distancing guidelines on social media.
Health care workers, do your part
Fear of professional retribution should not be the only thing stopping health care workers from spreading lies and misinformation. In the context of this global pandemic, reposting health misinformation on a whim can be especially dangerous for a trusted medical professional to do.
Whether fair or not, the reality of being a health care worker is to be trusted to make the best decisions for the health of the community, both in our private and public lives. Reposting inaccurate information on social media, no matter how seemingly harmless, can erode public trust and professional credibility.
There are many resources that exist to do just that, including step-by-step guides on how to distinguish fact from fiction. Among other strategies to recognize fake news, check for spelling errors or consider the information’s effort to appeal to emotions.
It is not uncommon for a friend or family member to connect with me on social media to ask for my medical opinion. I’ve answered questions ranging from what is appropriate footwear for back pain, to precautions to take if someone in the household has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
For better or for worse, social media has the potential to intertwine private and professional lives. For this reason, nurses, doctors, and other health care workers must truly scrutinize health information that they perpetuate online.
This is more than a caveat to think before you post.
The ability to discern what is and isn’t credible on social media is a necessary tool for navigating today’s digital world. Understanding the gravity of misinformation is the crucial first step in establishing personal and professional accountability for what is posted online.
For a health care worker, failure to fact check a post on social media can not only result in professional penalties, but can also mean life or death.
Katherine Buaron, RN, has a Master of Science in Nursing and is a community health registered nurse at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and a Public Voices Fellow with The OpEd Project.
Scamming has skyrocketed in the past year, and much of the increase is attributed to COVID-related scams, more recently around vaccines.
Why it matters: The pandemic has created a prime opportunity for scammers to target people who are already confused about the chaotic rollouts of things like stimulus payments, loans, contact tracing and vaccines. Data shows that older people who aren’t digitally literate are the most vulnerable.
Driving the news: New data from the Federal Trade Commission — which oversees consumer fraud and deception cases — finds that in 2020, the FTC received more than 4.7 million reports around scams from consumers, up from 3.2 million in 2019.
The agency received more than 2.2 million reports about fraud specifically, totaling $3.3 billion in consumer losses.
An overwhelming number of scams target older people, the FTC data suggests, with 60 to 69 year olds reporting losses of more than $56 million to coronavirus frauds.
Most COVID-related fraud reports are attributed to online shopping scams, which is notable given the uptick in e-commerce during the pandemic.
The Department of Homeland Security has analyzed nearly 80,000 COVID-19 domain names in its pursuit of scams.
In a blog post, the agency notes it has made 227 arrests, served 222 criminal search warrants and opened 862 investigations related to COVID scams.
As of Feb. 10, Homeland Security agents have seized more than $33 million in illicit proceeds attributed to COVID-19 scams selling counterfeit N95 masks.
Breaking news events have long been an opportunity for scammers to act, in an effort to capitalize on existing confusion.
For example, the data shows that there was a massive increase in identify theft scams the day of and the day after the Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6.
The FTC found that imposter scams — where the perpetrators disguise their identities, usually as government officials — were the most common type of scam last year.
“Government and business imposter scams were also among the top categories of COVID-19 and stimulus related reports, proving once again, that scammers follow the headlines,” an agency official wrote in a blog post.
The big picture: While social media is often thought of as the murkiest part of the internet, most scammers aren’t using social media to trick consumers, as the biggest platforms has gotten very good at weeding out bots and scam accounts.
Rather, the vast majority of scams, including COVID-19 scams, are occurring via phone calls, texts and emails.
The FTC found that there was a sharp increase in the number of text message scam reports last year. Many of the text messages were related to the pandemic, as well as other topics like stimulus relief or loans.
Facing a deluge of 365,000 reports and counting, the FTC has fired off more than 350 “warning letters” to companies related to potential coronavirus pandemic scams.
The letters are a way for the agency to quickly prod companies into taking down problematic claims, FTC attorney Christine DeLorme told Axios, adding that they have a high compliance rate.
“We think that is an incredibly good use of our resources to send a warning letter, if we can get those claims stopped in a matter of days,” she said..
More broadly, federal agencies are trying to educate consumers.
The Federal Communications Commission on Friday held a webinar aimed at helping older people avoid vaccine-related robocall and robotext scams, while the FTC is holding a cyber scams event with AARP and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on March 4.
For people wondering how to avoid being scammed during this period of unprecedented uncertainty, the government offers a few tips:
Anyone calling from a number you do not know asking for information about your health insurance, Social Security number or financial information are likely scammers.
People soliciting payments to help you with things like health care or vaccine enrollments are likely scammers, as those are services the government offers for free.
Scammers will often pretend to be organizations you are familiar with. It’s for this reason, as Axios has previously reported, that scam callers will often spoof D.C.-area codes pretending to be government bodies, like the IRS or HHS.
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FORTUNE is a trademark of Fortune Media IP Limited, registered in the U.S. and other countries. FORTUNE may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Offers may be subject to change without notice.
Member of a Health Care Group Practice Test covers working under the direct guidance of a Registered Nurse or LPN, the nursing assistant is an essential part of the health care group. Since they provide a lot hands-on care to the client, the nursing assistant is typically the very first to understand something is incorrect and for that reason might avoid a severe issue or issue from happening.
The award of a new government contract to data analytics supplier Palantir on the back of its participation in the NHS Covid-19 data shop has provoked Open Democracy into legal action, backed up by a direct exposure of lobbying activity that pre-dates the pandemic
Media organisations Open Democracy and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism have acted in unison to put in concern the NHS and the UK state’s wider dealings with information mining company Palantir.
The Palo Alto-based company was co-founded by leading Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel in2003 And although its co-founder and CEO, Alex Karp, is a self-described socialist, the business’s customer base in the CIA and the FBI has actually made it questionable among civil libertarians.
In March 2020, the NHS confirmed it was dealing with Palantir, Microsoft and Google to enhance its information analytics efforts and make its battle versus the Covid-19 coronavirus more effective and effective. From that work emerged the NHS Covid-19 Data Shop
NHS England’s websites on the store describes it like this: “The NHS Covid-19 Data Shop sits on a Microsoft Azure platform under contract with NHS England and NHS Improvement. Within that protected cloud processing environment, Palantir (acting under guideline from NHS England) manage their platform which is called Foundry.
” Palantir have constructed analytical dashboards for gain access to by NHS England and Enhancement personnel, together with personnel in the following organisations working under agreement: Faculty AI, McKinsey and Deloitte. Data which is pseudonymised is only readily available to staff working under agreement with the organisations operating jointly under the NHSX banner. Palantir does not keep the data itself, which remains under the control of the NHS.”
While it was reported, in March 2020, that NHSX and NHS England’s technical groups had actually constructed a back-end information store on Microsoft’s cloud platform, Azure, to “bring multiple information sources into a single, safe and secure area”, it was Palantir Technologies UK that would supply the software application, Palantir Foundry, that makes up the front-end data platform. Palantir Foundry is stated to allow diverse information to be cleaned and incorporated.
” We’re taking the federal government to court due to the fact that, right before Christmas, they quietly provided CIA-backed firm [Palantir] a major, long-lasting function in handling our personal health information, and in England’s valued National Health Service”. Open Democracy
Open Democracy has now initiated legal procedures against the UK federal government for extending the “emergency” and essentially pro bono (a nominal cost of ₤ 1) agreement struck with Palantir at the height of the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
On The Other Hand, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has released a related story detailing lobbying by Palantir amongst senior NHS executives that pre-dates the coronavirus crisis and reaches back into 2019.
The Open Democracy organisation stated, in a statement explaining why it is suing the federal government: “We’re taking the federal government to court since, right prior to Christmas, they silently provided this CIA-backed firm a major, long-term role in handling our individual health details, and in England’s valued National Health Service.”
Meanwhile, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has exposed that Palantir’s UK manager, Louis Mosley, hosted a supper participated in by David Prior, chair of NHS England, on 2 July 2019.
As reported by the BBC, the legal case, which is being managed by law office Foxglove on behalf of its customer Open Democracy, switches on whether a fresh Data Security Effect Assessment is required for the brand-new contract.
” The government should not utilize the pandemic as a reason to embed significant tech companies like Palantir in the NHS without seeking advice from the public, Foxglove director Cori Crider told the BBC.
” The datastore is the biggest pool of patient data in UK history. It’s one thing to set it up on an emergency basis, it’s a different kettle of fish to give a tech company like Palantir a permanent function in NHS facilities.”
Sky News pointed out an NHS representative as saying: “The company is an accredited provider to the UK public sector. The NHS completed a Data Defense Effect Evaluation in April 2020, and an update will be published in due course.”
Palantir is not discussing the story.
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Paltrow started a “keto and plant-based” diet, fasting up until 11 am every day and then consuming “lots of coconut aminos” and sugar-free kombucha and kimchi, she wrote
Despite declaring she ‘d done her research study, NHS England has actually cautioned versus her guidance and prompts influencers to stop spreading out misinformation.
” We want her well, however some of the services she’s recommending are really not the solutions we ‘d recommend in the NHS,” reports the Guardian
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As a licensed Nursing Assistant, you are unique. Your care of locals as you help them in their day-to-day care brings happiness … McComb Nursing and Rehab Center, LLC is looking for applicants who are interested in ending up being a licensed nursing … Read More
The daily headlines continue to reflect and emphasize the necessity for expertise in the field of infection. “E. coli contaminated meat”, “West Nile Virus spreads”, “White Powder discovered”, “Bacteria specific viral lysins may hold key to new class of antibiotics”, “Hope for new AIDS vaccine trial” are just a few examples. New chapters are devoted to the rapidly emerging technologies that aid in the diagnosis and treatment of infection, the horrifying but real threat of biowarfare, and the role of the entire medical team, not just the ID doc. in combating infections. Content has been revised and updated to reflect current knowledge and understanding of infectious disease processes. The emphasis on the sound foundation of how to explore and discover new information is retained. Common infectious diseases are emphasized Treatment options are clearly detailed, including advantages and disadvantages of various regimens Useful background information is presented for every infection such as origin of the name, mode of transmission, typical hosts, geographic location, seasonal patterns, and associated clinical syndromes The three new chapters are the obligatory and timely bioterrorism, radiologic imaging, and surgical implications of infection
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The Fda ( FDA) approved Johnson & Johnson its Emergency Situation Use Authorization, developing the potential for 3 or 4 million more individuals to be totally inoculated against COVID-19 next week.
Johnson & Johnson ended up being the third company to get an Emergency Usage Permission for its COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday. It’s the only vaccine currently available in a one-dose type, so people are completely protected after just one shot. It’s likewise easier to transport because it doesn’t have the very same refrigeration requires as the other 2 vaccines.
Ahead of its authorization, Johnson & Johnson said it could deliver 20 million dosages by the end of March and 100 million by the end of June, as per the acquiring contract. Three or 4 million dosages could be shipped next week, according to Jeff Zients, the White House’s coronavirus reaction coordinator, fully vaccinating people as soon as the shots are administered.
” If the FDA authorizes making use of this brand-new vaccine, we have a plan to roll it out as rapidly as Johnson & Johnson can make it,” President Joe Biden stated on Thursday. “We’ll use every possible way to expand manufacturing of the vaccine.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergic Reaction and Transmittable Illness, considers the Johnson & Johnson vaccine a “game-changer.” Considering that complete defense is attained after one shot, there isn’t the logistical challenge that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have of making sure people return for their second dose.
Together with preventing additional hospitalizations and death, the permission of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine might assist put America on its return to a degree of normalcy.
” Herd resistance is a population concept, so whatever limitations transmission of the infection in the population is what matters,” Vincent Racaniello, a teacher of microbiology and immunology at Columbia University, told Newsweek “Right now, there is little evidence that one [Pfizer or Moderna] vaccine dosage can restrict virus transmission in the population.”
The FDA provided an Emergency situation Usage Authorization for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on Friday. Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center investigational pharmacy service technician Sara Berech is shown in the glass of a fume hood as she prepares a dose of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine for a medical trial on December 15 in Aurora, Colorado. Michael Ciaglo/Getty
When producing his late summer season, early fall timeline for reaching herd resistance, where 70 to 85 percent of Americans are inoculated, Fauci told Newsweek he factored in individuals having both doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
About 14 percent of Americans received a minimum of one dosage of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, but just 6.5 percent of Americans have received both, according to the most current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC) information.
Without Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose shot, America’s present rate of vaccinations would indicate the country would not reach herd resistance till completion of November or early December.
The FDA’s analysis of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine discovered it to be safe and 66 percent effective against moderate to serious illness at least 28 days after vaccination. It also figured out the vaccine was more efficient against a variation that stemmed in South Africa than the business’s initial information revealed.
Newsweek, in collaboration with NewsGuard, is committed to supplying precise and verifiable vaccine and health info.
As changes in technology, policy and management put an increasing emphasis on processes and procedures in nursing and health care, how do we continue to make room for compassion, the ancient human value that calls most nurses to the profession? In Spiritual Care in Everyday Nursing Practice, Janice Clarke argues that it is compassionate care of the whole person, body and soul, which is at the heart of nursing practice that values the individual and respects their dignity. Rather than seeing spiritual care as an addition to what nurses already do, this new approach considers it a natural part of compassionate care which doesn’t present the nurse with an extra ambiguous burden to deal with. Providing a brief historical introduction to the concept of spirituality, Clarke examines the ways in which our spiritual life – a source of strength and meaning – can be influenced by factors such as age, illness and suffering, and mental illness, as well as our religious beliefs. Providing a practical guide to talking about and working with spirituality, she explores how nurses might imbue all their practice including the physical aspects of care – from use of touch to helping patients to move, bathe and eat – with an attention to spiritual needs. A timely, accessible and practical introduction to a concept that is under-explored in contemporary nursing literature, this book will be of great value to students and professionals alike.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ordered New Zealand’s largest city back into lockdown on Saturday as COVID-19 cases continued to be spotted in the community.
The latest restrictions in Auckland will last at least 7 days and come less than two weeks after a three-day shutdown in the city.
Ardern stated a brand-new coronavirus case confirmed on Saturday might not be directly connected to other positive tests over the last two weeks, although a school in South Auckland was a typical link.
From Sunday early morning the city’s 1.7 million locals need to stay at home except for vital shopping and work.
Schools and non-essential shops will close, and entry in and out of the city will be restricted.
The rest of the nation will be under level 2 constraints which include limitations on the size of public events.
Ardern stated there was “trigger for concern” that the current case included an individual who had actually been contagious for a week but had not been in seclusion.
Because the most recent break out first emerged in a household of 3, several individuals have reported signs, with the school in South Auckland the linking aspect.
Ardern blamed the creeping spread of community infection on people not separating when they should have been.
In the most recent case the person went to a doctor on Friday and after that went to the gym.
” It’s frustrating,” Ardern stated.
Authorities have the ability to take enforcement action against rule breakers however that required to be stabilized with making sure individuals with symptoms came forward, the prime minister included.
” We will constantly weigh up, are we creating an environment where individuals will be open and sincere?” she stated.
” We are handling young people here and what we inquire to do is show us their whole lives, and it’s extremely crucial that we have a circumstance where people are able and going to do that.”
New Zealand has been commonly praised for its handling of the pandemic, with simply 26 deaths in a population of five million.
New Zealand’s biggest city back in lockdown as COVID remains (2021, February 27).
recovered 28 February2021
from https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-02- zealand-largest-city-lockdown-covid. html.
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The Palestinian Authority on Saturday announced fresh coronavirus restrictions, including a partial lockdown, for the occupied West Bank as COVID-19 cases rise.
The big image: The new procedures come as Israel, which leads the world in vaccinations, faces increased pressure to make sure Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip have equivalent access to vaccines.
The Israeli prime minister’s workplace announced this week that the nation will send a “symbolic quantity” of vaccines to the Palestinian Authority and to numerous countries that have asked for help, Axios’ Barak Ravid reported
While the Palestinian Authority has started a limited inoculation campaign, with more vaccine shipments on the way, per The New York City Times, it remains uncertain when the majority of the more than 5 million Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip will have access to vaccines.
Information: The West Bank limitations, set to start on Sunday, will last at least 12 days, per the authorities Palestinian news firm WAFA
Most schools should close and universities will be required to shift to virtual guideline.
The constraints consist of a restriction on a lot of travel between provinces and to and from Jerusalem, an over night curfew and a restriction on most movement Fridays and Saturdays.
Wedding events, celebrations and funeral services will likewise be forbidden.
By the numbers: The West Bank and Gaza have recorded more than 181,900 COVID-19 cases and 2,025 deaths considering that the pandemic started, per Johns Hopkins University information
The Palestinian Ministry of Health stated Saturday that the West Bank reported 910 new cases and five deaths in the previous 24 hours, according to the Times.
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Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks at a weekly news conference at the U.S. Capitol on February 18, 2021 in Washington, DC.
Tasos Katopodis | Getty Images
The House passed its $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill early Saturday, sending the massive proposal to the Senate as Democrats rush to approve more aid before unemployment programs expire.
It is the first major legislative initiative for President Joe Biden. The House approved it in a 219-212 mostly party line vote, as two Democrats joined all Republicans in opposing it.
Senators will start considering the pandemic assistance plan next week. Lawmakers will offer amendments, and the chamber will likely pass a different version of the bill, meaning the House would have to pass the Senate’s plan or the chambers would have to craft a final proposal in a conference committee.
Democrats, who hold narrow majorities in the House and Senate, opted to approve the legislation alone through budget reconciliation rather than hammer out a smaller aid package with Republicans. The process enables a bill to pass with a simple majority in the Senate.
“Now, the bill moves to the United States Senate, where I hope it will receive quick action. We have no time to waste,” Biden said during a briefing on Saturday morning.
“If we act now — decisively, quickly and boldly — we can finally get ahead of this virus,” Biden continued. “We can finally get our economy moving again.”
The House plan includes:
Payments of $1,400 to most individuals, along with the same amount for each dependent. Checks start to phase out at $75,000 in income and go to zero for individuals making $100,000
A $400 per week unemployment supplement through Aug. 29, along with an extension of programs making millions more people eligible for jobless benefits
An expansion of the child tax credit to give families up to $3,600 per child over a year
$20 billion for Covid-19 vaccine distribution and $50 billion for testing and tracing efforts
$350 billion in state, local and tribal government relief
$25 billion for assistance in covering rent payments
$170 billion for K-12 schools and higher education institutions to cover reopening costs and aid to students
A $15 per hour federal minimum wage, which the Senate parliamentarian will not allow in the reconciliation bill on the other side of the Capitol
Democrats have called the bill necessary to speed up vaccinations — a critical step to resuming some level of pre-pandemic life — and sustain households at a time when roughly 19 million people are receiving jobless benefits.
“The time for decisive action is long overdue,”House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Friday night before the vote.“President Biden’s American Rescue Plan is that decisive action.”
Republicans questioned the need for a proposal so large, criticizing in particular the scope of the direct payments, state and local government support and school funding. Earlier Friday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., contended the legislation “isn’t a relief bill” and “fails to deliver for American families.”
The Biden administration and Democratic leaders in Congress said the country faces a bigger risk of doing too little than injecting too much money into the response. Some economists have also questioned the scale of the bill.
Senate Democrats face more challenges in passing the legislation than the House did. While the party can approve the bill on its own, it will need every Democrat to support it in the Senate, which is split 50-50.
Democrats also have to decide how to proceed on minimum-wage policy without losing any support. After the Senate parliamentarian ruled the bill could not include a $15 pay floor under reconciliation rules, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., have looked for a workaround to impose a tax penalty on large corporations that do not pay workers at least $15 an hour.
It is unclear if the proposal would comply with the Senate’s budget restrictions.
Vice President Kamala Harris also appears set against trying to overrule parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough, which some progressives have suggested she should do.
Pelosi said earlier Friday that she believes the House will “absolutely” pass the relief bill if it comes back from the Senate without a minimum-wage increase in it. She told reporters that Democrats will try to pass the pay increase through a separate plan if needed.
“We will not rest until we pass the $15 minimum wage,” she said.
The House approved President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID relief package on a 219-212 vote early Saturday morning, sending it to the Senate for a possible rewrite before it gets to Biden’s desk.
The big picture: The vote was a critical first step for the package, which includes $1,400 cash payments for many Americans, a national vaccination program, ramped-up COVID testing and contact tracing, state and local funding and money to help schools reopen.
Two Democrats — Reps. Jared Golden (Maine) and Kurt Schrader (Ore.) — joined Republicans in voting against the bill.
What to watch: The bill will likely undergo an overhaul in the upper chamber after the Senate parliamentarian ruled the $15 minimum wage increase cannot be added in the relief package.
The House kept the minimum wage increase in its plan, but that was mainly to keep progressive Democrats on board before it gets stripped out in the Senate.
At a press conference Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders insisted they weren’t worried that progressive Democrats might not vote for a final bill with the Senate’s changes.
“There is uniform support for this transformational legislation in the House Democratic caucus. There is no fair to partly cloudy view” of the package, said caucus chair Hakeem Jeffries.
The highlights of the bill:
Expanded federal funding for COVID programs, including $46 billion for testing and tracing; $7.6 billion for pandemic response atcommunity health centers; $5.2 billion to support research, development and manufacturing of vaccines, therapeutics and other medical products; and $7.7 billion to expand the public health care workforce.
$1,400 stimulus payments for Americans making less than $75,000. Individuals who make between $75,000 and $100,000 wouldreceive less, with a cap for those earning more than $100,000.
$128.6 billion to help K-12 schools reopen.
$350 billion in state and local aid.
$25 billion in aid to restaurants and other food and drinking establishments.
$19 billion in emergency rental assistance.
$7.25 billion in funds for Paycheck Protection Program loans.
Unemployment benefits would be extended until August 29, and the supplemental benefits would increase from $300 to $400.
Johnson & Johnson board member Dr. Mark McClellan states the business anticipates 20 million dosages provided by the end of March as the U.S. becomes one step away from including a third safe and efficient vaccine to its arsenal.
” There is going to be a ramp-up period, so 4 million dosages expected next week, going greater during the month of March with 20 million doses delivered by the end of March,” stated the previous FDA Commissioner in a Friday night interview on ” The News with Shepard Smith” “So that’s 20 million people fully vaccinated because it’s just one dose for the vaccine.”
A panel of Fda advisors late Friday voted unanimously to suggest Johnson & Johnson‘s single-dose shot for emergency situation usage permission. The FDA will choose as early as Saturday whether to approve the vaccine. A recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consultants would trigger 3 to 4 million doses to get shipped out next week.
McClellan told ” The News with Shepard Smith” that the addition of the J&J vaccine will move the U.S. a big step forward when it concerns attending to the coronavirus pandemic and securing millions of people from the infection.
” That’s coming on top of some growths in the supply from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, they’re anticipating close to 90 million, 100 million doses … it’s a two-dose vaccine, but that entirely implies we might get to as numerous as 100 million people or more vaccinated by the end of March here in the United States,” stated McClellan, a health policy specialist with Duke University.
Nationwide, average everyday cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have actually been decreasing for weeks, but Centers for Illness Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky stated the current drops may be levelling off.
” We might be made with the virus, but clearly the virus is not done with us,” stated Walensky. “We can not get comfy or succumb to an incorrect complacency that the worst of the pandemic lags us. Not now, not when mass vaccination is so really close”
The CDC Director included that we could be starting to see the effects of the brand-new, more infectious Covid variants spreading out throughout the country. McClellan concurred with Walensky and cautioned that “we need to be worried” when it comes to the new versions, however doubled down on the significance of vaccinations.
” Fortunately is the vaccines seem to supply some truly strong security versus the variations, the best method to contain the versions is for as many individuals to get immunized as rapidly as possible,” McClellan stated.
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The fight versus Covid-19 took a significant step forward on Friday as the United States moved closer to distributing its very first one-shot Covid-19 vaccine, after an independent professional advisory panel advised drug regulators authorize the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for emergency situation usage.
” We urgently need more vaccines [authorized] to protect the millions of Americans who stay at threat” of Covid-19 infection, said Dr Greg Poland, the editor-in-chief of the medical journal Vaccine and leader of the Vaccine Research Group at the Mayo Clinic.
Johnson & Johnson’s vaccines and the dosages currently set up to be provided by Moderna and Pfizer, the makers of the 2 vaccines currently licensed in the United States, imply there might be sufficient supply to immunize 400 million people by July.
The United States Legislature has passed Joe Biden’s $1.9 tn coronavirus help expense in his very first significant legislative victory.
Democrats who manage the chamber passed the sweeping measure by a mainly party-line vote of 219 to 212 and sent it on to the Senate, where Democrats are planning a legislative manoeuvre to enable them to pass it without the assistance of Republicans
Democrats have actually already suffered a blow in moving the costs through Congress when the Senate parliamentarian ruled that a $15 base pay boost might not be consisted of in the costs under Senate guidelines.
Most Republicans opposed the expense of the costs designed to spend for vaccines and other medical supplies to fight a Covid-19 pandemic that has killed more than 500,000 Americans and thrown millions out of work.
The step will also send a brand-new round of emergency situation financial assistance to households, small companies and state and local governments.
A group of Senate Republicans had actually offered Biden a slimmed-down option, however the White Home and some economic experts firmly insist a bigger plan is needed.
Biden has focused his first weeks in office on dealing with the best public health crisis in a century, which has actually overthrown most aspects of American life.
Democrats manage your house by a 221-211 margin, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi needed almost all of her rank and file to get the expense passed before sending it to a 50-50 Senate, where the Democratic vice-president, Kamala Harris, holds the tie-breaking vote.
Embedded in your house costs is the federal minimum wage increase, which would be the first considering that 2009 and would slowly bump it up to $15 an hour in 2025 from the existing $7.25 rate.
Biden has actually not given up on raising the minimum wage to $15, a leading White Home financial advisor stated on Friday.
A higher wage “is the ideal thing to do”, White House nationwide financial council director, Brian Deese, stated in an interview on MSNBC.
” We’re going to talk to our congressional allies, congressional leaders today to speak about a course forward, about how we can make development urgently on what is an urgent problem.”
Meanwhile, lawmakers must also act upon the coronavirus stimulus bundle, Deese said.
The $15 base pay figure had actually already dealt with opposition in the Senate from most Republicans and a minimum of 2 Democrats, which would have been enough to sink the plan. A range of senators are talking about a smaller sized increase, in the range of $10 to $12 an hour.
In a statement after the Senate parliamentarian’s judgment, Pelosi stated: “Home Democrats believe that the base pay walking is needed.”
She stated it would remain in your house variation of the coronavirus expense.
In arguing for passage of the relief expense, Pelosi mentioned opinion polls showing the assistance of a considerable majority of Americans who have actually been damaged by the yearlong pandemic.
” It’s about putting vaccinations in the arm, money in the pocket, children in the schools, employees in their jobs,” Pelosi told press reporters on Thursday. “It’s what this nation requires.”
Amongst the big-ticket items in the expense are $1,400 direct payments to individuals, a $400- per-week federal welfare through 29 August and assist for those having difficulties paying their rent and house mortgages throughout the pandemic.
A range of organization interests also have weighed in behind Biden’s America Rescue Plan Act, as the costs is called.
Republicans have actually slammed the legislation as a “liberal wishlist giveaway” that fails to devote enough money to resuming schools that have been partially operating with “virtual” knowing throughout the pandemic.
The House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, grumbled it was “too costly, too corrupt”. While Republicans for months have obstructed a new round of aid to state and local governments, McCarthy said he was open to his house state of California getting a few of the bill’s $350 bn in financing, in spite of a one-time $15 bn spending plan surplus.
Efforts to craft a bipartisan coronavirus aid costs fizzled early on, soon after Biden was sworn in as president on 20 January, following a series of bipartisan bills enacted in 2020 that amounted to around $4tn.