Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Online Medical Assistant Certification Course (CCMA)

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Advanced eClinical Training (ACT) – https://advclinical.org :

Nationally Accredited Medical Assistant (CCMA) Certification:

This online medical assistant accreditation (CCMA) program is an 8-week, self-paced course perfect for health science trainees looking for health care experience before starting/applying to medical, doctor assistant (PA), or nursing school.

This program integrates necessary client care and scientific abilities into one professional curriculum. Upon conclusion of this program, trainees will be completely trained to work as an important member of the medical group and to efficiently perform scientific tasks in a health care environment as a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA).

Trainees will take the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) accreditation test to acquire a nationally certified accreditation as a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA).

Objective: Innovative Training
Our objective is to drive the future of scientific training through development, availability, and instructional quality to establish vibrant, experienced and empowered trainees while promoting proficient and thoughtful future health care leaders.

Vision: Clinical Experience
By offering detailed scientific training and accreditation programs, pre-health trainees will obtain vital abilities needed to go into varied fields of medication as pre-health specialists and acquire health care experience/patient care hours needed for medical, PA, drug store, and nursing school.

Objective: Healthcare Leaders
We intend to prepare a brand-new generation of health care leaders who will form our world’s future medical landscape. We make every effort to promote collective, evidence-based instructional approaches with immersive knowing chances to gear up students with vital abilities and resources needed for long-lasting success in their expert health care journey.



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