Tuesday, November 28, 2023

HOME NURSING Assistant course (100th batch accreditation day)

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Our HOME NURSING Assistant course – in the words of our own dear trainee on the accreditation day of our 100th batch!

Home Nursing Course is ANEW’s flagship course. The course with which ANEW began in 1997. It’s a 6 month course, with a great deal of theory, practicals & lifeskills included! The course is co-certified by Sundaram Medical Foundation (SMF). They have actually just recently extended more assistance by offering the students 1 complete month of hands on training at the health center! Our genuine thanks to Dr Vijaya Barathi, Trustee & Director – Community Services Sundaram Medical Foundation – Dr. Rangarajan Memorial Hospital

Imparting Skills & Impacting Lives!
Together WE CAN!


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