Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Autonomy in Education

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The push towards higher autonomy is among the 3 primary patterns in every contemporary academic policy, together with quality control and quality examination strategies and the requirement to dedicate attention to unique– and frequently disadvantaged– target groups.

It is, nevertheless, hard to obtain a merged idea of’ autonomy ‘from the relative indications which are released regularly and it has actually emerged that there are considerable distinctions depending upon the particular location and the administrative organisation of education in the nation in concern.

Throughout the conversations of the yearly Congress of the European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA) in Salzburg (1998) it appeared that autonomy needs to be thought about in its numerous applications.

Autonomy for school boards is understood through management, administrative systems, management of personnel and pedagogical choices. Autonomy of administration needs skills, the desire to develop a self-governing administration and awareness of each celebration’s obligation in the instructional procedure.

The contents of this Yearbook are a response to the concern of how legislatures are reacting to the pattern towards higher duty, decentralisation and autonomy. It is an introduction of the efforts made by the Member States of the European Union to use the concept of subsidiarity.

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