Tuesday, February 28, 2023

LHISD February 21 2023 Board Meeting

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The Liberty Hill Independent ISD School Board generally satisfies on the 3rd Monday of every month at 6:00 PM in the board space at the Liberty Hill ISD Administration Building situated at 301 Forrest Street, Liberty Hill, TX, 78642. The conference notification and program are published at the Administration Building a minimum of 72 hours prior to each conference.

People are constantly welcome to participate in board conferences. If you wish to make a discussion to the Board throughout the time set aside for public remarks, you might register prior to the conference. Discussions are restricted to 3 minutes. Groups are motivated to select a representative. Concerns raised in public online forum get no board action or remark; nevertheless, trustees might refer products to the administration and/or location them on a subsequent board program.

Please note that periodically routine month-to-month Board conferences are rescheduled if there is a dispute, such as a vacation, championship game, and so on.

Board conference program and minutes can be seen here: www.libertyhill.txed.net/Domain/984



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