Sunday, November 27, 2022

Oxford Cases in Medicine and Surgery

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Oxford Cases in Medicine and Surgery, 2nd edition, teaches trainees a hypothesis-driven, rational detailed technique to medical diagnosis when confronted with each of 29 typical client discussions. This technique mirrors that utilized by effective clinicians on the wards, challenging trainees with concerns at each phase of a case (history-taking, assessment, examination, management).

In taking on these concerns, trainees comprehend how to seriously evaluate details and find out to incorporate their existing understanding to a real-life circumstance from start to end up. Each chapter concentrates on a typical providing sign (e.

g. chest discomfort). By beginning with a sign, matching reality settings, trainees find out to make use of their understanding of various physiological systems – for instance, cardiology, breathing, gastroenterology – at the exact same time.

All the significant providing signs in basic medication and surgical treatment (mapped to UK medical school curricula) are covered, together with a broad series of pathologies. This book is an important resource for all medication trainees, and offers a contemporary, well-rounded intro to life on the wards.

Suitable for those beginning in scientific medication and a perfect refresher for those modifying for OSCEs and finals.

Learn more

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