Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Awkwardly Awesome Podcast - Ep.85 w/ Dr. Ann Seppelt

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How does playing competitive sports as a kid and in high school and college effect an individual’s profession?

My visitor on this Awkwardly Awesome podcast will provide us some insights into this interesting concern from her plentiful experience. I initially satisfied Ann Sieckert Seppelt when she was a volley ball star at Division II Augustana College where we both were trainees. Now, Dr. Ann Seppelt is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Graduate Nursing at Winona State University, a Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, and a PhD prospect at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing. In her practice as a registered nurse, Ann operated in over 9 nursing specializeds, consisting of the pediatric emergency clinic, pediatric oncology, inpatient psychological health, and travel nursing. Prior to that, in high school and college, Ann was a dedicated professional athlete. Her effort settled early as she won a state champion in discus throughout high school. She went on to win many college awards, consisting of Division II Volleyball All American, Academic All American; 1996 South Dakota NCAA Woman of the Year, and choice as top-ten nationwide finalist for the 1996 NCAA Woman of the Year award which was telecasted on ESPN. I’m so thrilled to ask Ann how her experiences in competitive sports has actually offered her the abilities to play complete out in her profession.

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