Thursday, April 28, 2022

My Book of Stunning Oops!, A Scribble It, Smear It, Fold It, Tear It Journal for Young Artists

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Every error is a chance to make something lovely. This is the main concept of Lovely Oops!, Barney Saltzberg’s cherished bestseller– and now My Book of Gorgeous Oops!, an interactive journal for young artists, takes that concept into unanticipated brand-new instructions.

A hands-on journal that’s implied to be customized– attracted, painted on, destroyed, smeared, or otherwise creatively damaged– My Book of Lovely Oops! is filled with folded, folded, die-cut, and lift-the-flap pages that will challenge the reader’s sense of play.

The friendly green alligator from the very first book triggers the reader: Bend a page. Embellish a spot. Have fun with splats and spills. Even finish a poem that was inadvertently ripped in half. My Gorgeous Book of Oops! champs creativity, play, and the guts to reveal oneself.

It has to do with self-forgiveness, about switching off that inner critic that demands excellence. And it has to do with liberty– the flexibility to be innovative and follow your interest anywhere it goes. That’s a lesson to commemorate.

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