Tuesday, March 30, 2021

UN looks for $10bn for Syria as COVID contributes to refugee suffering

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UN says a record variety of Syrians are facing cravings, malnutrition and illness 10 years after civil war began.

The United Nations is looking for $10 bn in aid to assist Syria, stating civilians there continue to face attacks as well as increased cravings and poverty, as the COVID-19 pandemic compounds the “misery and disaster” of 10 years of civil war.

The appeal came ahead of Tuesday’s Brussels Conference on Syria, a yearly occasion co-hosted by the UN and the European Union.

It includes $4.2 bn for the humanitarian reaction inside Syria and $5.8 bn for refugees and their hosts in the Middle East.

The UN said at least 24 million Syrians need help today– an increase of 4 million over the past year and the highest number yet considering that 2011, when President Bashar al-Assad’s crackdown on pro-democracy protesters resulted in a brutal civil war.

” It has actually been 10 years of misery and catastrophe for Syrians,” stated UN aid chief Mark Lowcock.

” Now plummeting living conditions, financial decline and COVID-19 lead to more cravings, poor nutrition and disease. There is less fighting, but no peace dividend,” he said in a statement

The fighting diminished after Russia and Turkey, which support opposing sides in the conflict, agreed to a ceasefire in Syria’s Idlib a year earlier. Russian air attacks, along with Iranian and Syrian-backed troops, continue to attack rebel outposts.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is set to deal with the conference on Tuesday.

On March 10, marking a decade of conflict, he stated Syria is a “living problem” where about half the nation’s children have never lived a day without war and 60 percent of Syrians are at danger of going starving.

Peace deal

In a different statement on Tuesday, the Red Cross Red Crescent Motion contacted global donors to help restore Syria, especially to fix critical health, water and electricity services.

” Our infrastructure is ruined,” said Khaled Hboubati, the secretary-general of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent Society.

Rebuilding destroyed cities will take billions of dollars more and can not begin until powers involved in the conflict, including Russia and Iran, settle on a peace settlement, according to the European Union.

International Committee of the Red Cross head Peter Maurer prompted world powers to reach a peace offer or face much more annual donor conferences for Syria.

” Humanitarians are here to help but the ultimate responsibility lies with celebrations to the conflict,” he said.

On Monday, the United States leading diplomat prompted the divided UN Security Council to open more crossings on the Syria-Turkey border to get food and other assistance to 13.4 million individuals in requirement.

In an impassioned speech, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said world powers ought to repent by their inaction and said the council must also “stop taking part in or making reasons for attacks” on healthcare facilities and near the only authorised crossing point.

In January 2020, at the insistence of Russia, which supports al-Assad, the Security Council voted to cut the four crossing points for humanitarian aid to Syria to just 2– from Turkey to the rebel-controlled northwest. And in July, once again under threat of a Russian veto, the council cut down to a single border crossing from Turkey.

” Sovereignty was never ever planned to ensure the right of any federal government to starve people, deprive them of life-saving medication, bomb health centers or devote any other human rights abuse versus people,” Blinken stated.

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin in his own remarks to the video conference voiced outrage that al-Assad’s government was not invited to the Brussels help conference on Syria.

” There is a growing politicisation of humanitarian help,” he stated.

The proposed cross-border help “violates the concepts of international law” and is only because “the federal government that is in place does not fit” the West, he said.



Al Jazeera and News agencies

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