Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Vision, Unlocking Your Potential and Discipline for Success

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Vision: Unlocking your Potential and Discipline for Success describes the importance of having a Vision and knowing the purpose for one’s life. Even as the author draws from Christian examples, the same concepts apply to other religions and belief systems. The universal knowledge to embrace here is that God has a plan for each and everyone’s life. He (God), had made this one heavenly decision: From the get go, He had decided that among the 500 million sperms he was going to allow to swim, reach and fertilize that egg to conceiving a baby, the chosen one was going to be none other than YOU! This is the moment to seize for every one born of a man and a woman. Whether you were saved out of a mass grave, picked from a dumpster, abandoned by your dad or mom, born out of wedlock, a product of rape or misogyny, God had and still has a plan just for you! This plan involves shifting the pain and grief you may have gone through and pivoting it to the cultivation of your God given potential. Ladies and gentlemen, we have the power to unleash the gifts and abilities in us to make the world a better place for humanity. After embracing this knowledge, the onus is then on each and every one of us to discover what this plan is for our individual lives. Even though it is not necessarily easy to follow, we choose to follow it as our life’s purpose. But when we do, everything else falls into place. The author expresses this eloquently in a number of places. Something which goes like this: We were not put here on earth just to eat and drink, then go to school, get a job that we might hate, pay endless bills, and then for some reasons beyond our control, we just die! No. But rather, God positioned each and every one of us here on earth for a specific purpose that only we can fulfill. It is only then, when life’s experiences which is always a menu of tragedy and triumph, could capture the true essence for our existence.

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